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Body-Mind Centering® Workshops

exploring the dynamic relationship between mind & body
bmc workshop

Previous Workshops

Body-Mind Centering Workshop - BLOOD & O

January 2021


the liver, the lungs, the kidneys & the heart
​via remote video call: ZOOM

In this two day workshop, we explored our four primary organs: the liver, lungs, kidneys & heart deepening our sensory awareness of their presence, expression, internal support & inner vitality.

Taking time to slow down and sense inwardly, to feel the nature of these organs; their inner rhythms, form, weight, & movement. We considered their interrelationships with one another through the flow of blood passing through them in an eternal process of: cleansing, replenishing, filtering & circulation.


A holistic, creative approach to human anatomy considering our relationship our organs & blood and their archetypal qualities, alongside our personal stories & histories through traditional anatomy & physiology, discussion & dialogue, movement, gentle sounding, directed breathing, quiet contemplation & hands-on touch upon our self.

Saturday 30th - Sunday 31st January 2021

11am - 5pm daily


FEES: by donation via paypal or bank transfer

TEACHERS: Rosalyn Maynard & Daisy Martinez

ASSISTING: Delia Spatareanu


January 2020


The Brain in our Gut


How do we digest our food, our thoughts, our feelings?

How do we feel supported by our deepest emotions;

our gut feelings & gut instincts?

Two day workshop exploring the traditional anatomy & physiology of the brain in our gut alongside our personal feelings, & experiences.

Saturday 18th - Sunday 19th January 2020

10am-5pm daily / Dartington, Devon

FEES: £110 waged / £90 low wage / £60 unwaged

Body-Mind Centering - ORGANS - Heart & K

January 2019



from our earliest origins to present day

At four weeks old our heart starts to beat

& our kidneys begin their descent from our neck to our abdomen.  

A two day workshop exploring the patterned memory of the dynamic form and flow of our embryological development of our heart

and kidneys. 


Saturday 19th - Sunday 20th January 2019

10am-5pm daily / Dartington, Devon

Thanks again for an inspiring weekend, I was really touched by the way you talked/moved through the embryo's journey.

Dr Gemma Anderson, Artist & Research Fellow Exeter University

 I am deeply moved by the embryology of body mind centering and the embodiment of this science... it is a missing piece of my learning In movement and birth and a continuum of deep enquiry.

Jessica Pheonix. Doula

Body-Mind Centering Workshop - Embryolog

June 2019



from our earliest origins to present day 

A two day workshop exploring our diaphragmatic, cellular & embryological breathing


Over the two days we will explore cellular breathing and our sensory awareness of internal respiration leading into the unique practice of embryological breathing from BMC® and the forming of our adult structures with a particular focus on the three diaphragms: pelvic, thoracic and cranial.

Saturday 29th  - Sunday 30th June 2019

10 am - 5 pm daily


£120 waged / £90 low waged / £60 unwaged & SOEL grads
Body-Mind Centering Workshop - THE FLUID

February 2019

& the nature of transformation
The fluids underlie presence and transformation
maintaining our overall sense of balance in tension & relaxation; in rest & action.
A three-day workshop exploring the embodied anatomy of our blood, cerebral spinal fluid, lymph and cellular fluids.
Friday 15 - Sunday 17 February 2019
10 am -  5 pm daily
"Many thanks indeed for the 3 days. A
rather mysterious experience but very powerful and deep. It made me pretty tired but later became rather grounding."
Peter Owen





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